Vous souhaitez passer le DELF ?

Je vous entraîne personnellement ! Comment ça se passe ? Je vous propose de vous entraîner en passant un examen blanc du DELF A2. Je vous accompagne en distanciel et en visio, dans les conditions de l’examen. A l’issu des épreuves, je vous remets votre note sur 100, avec le détail complet de tous les critères

Which languages are the easiest to learn?

If you love languages, learning a new language can be a way of enriching your culture and opening up to the customs and history of another part of the world, even if it is your neighbourhood language. Before you start learning a new language, however, you should be aware that there are some languages that

Forgetting your mother tongue: is it really possible?

“Mother tongue” refers to the first language a child learns in the family, whether it is the language of the country or not. Most people think it’s a bit like riding a bike: once you learn it, it’s there forever. But is it really that safe? Is it possible to forget your mother tongue when

Watching TV series to learn a foreign language

TV series are excellent tools for learning foreign languages. What are their advantages? How do they work? Should you watch the series with or without subtitles? Which series should I watch? Lots of tips in this new article! Advantages A fun and effective way to learn When learning a foreign language, it is important to

Confusions b and d? p and q? The infallible trick to never get confused again!

Do your children, your students, have difficulty differentiating the letters b and d, or the letters p and q? Be aware that this is very common! It is a problem that thousands of children face every day. It’s nothing very serious, but sometimes it lasts long enough to begin to get in the way of